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News from the Chronicles - May 2020

For Dr. Andrew McKown (BS ’07, genetics) of Piedmont Athens Regional Medical Center's intensive care unit, 12-hour days include multiple sets of gowns, masks and gloves, phone calls providing updates to patients’ families who can no longer visit their loved ones, a hooded face shield blowing air in his face and the research required to keep up with a global pandemic: “It’s … been interesting,” said McKown. “My work has changed…
UGA junior Angela Tsao is working to advance research at the intersection of computer science and sustainability, and her focus has earned her national recognition as a 2020 Udall Scholar: She was one of 55 undergraduates selected from across the nation and U.S. territories for the scholarship, which is awarded to sophomores and juniors on the basis of their commitment to careers in the environment, Native health care or Tribal…
Stuckey's roadside convenience store chain has been on America's highways since its founding in 1937, today with 70 locations in 17 states. Like so many retail operations, its business has been challenged as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. But led by President and CEO Stephanie Stuckey (AB, '88, JD, '92), Stuckey's is supporting the men and women who drive trucks and keep America - and Stuckey's -…
For 7,324 UGA students, including 5,958 undergraduates, today is the day. Even the absence of our spring Commencement exercises cannot and should not dampen our joy over the hard-won achievements of this extraordinary group. The unique situation of a quiet campus on Commencement only emphasizes our reverence for completing this monumental journey. Congratulations to all the graduates, their families and loved ones! Stay safe and healthy as…
The UGA Center for Theologically Engaged Anthropology podcast new episode, "Religion in the Age of Social Distancing," examines the rapid religious changes happening in churches due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In a discussion that includes interviews with Derrick Lemons, director of CTEA and associate professor of religion, and Debra Mason, Professor Emeritus at the University of Missouri, host Lily Baldwin looks at how…
Important new research from the department of psychology about the role of parents in helping teenagers recover from anorexia: University of Georgia psychologists and collaborators at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital have developed supplemental interventions to use in addition to family-based therapy (FBT) to treat teens with anorexia nervosa. FBT is the gold standard treatment for anorexia, but there is a subgroup of families that are…
The Department of Marine Sciences announces a new University of Georgia undergraduate major, available to UGA students beginning in fall 2020, the bachelor of science in Ocean Science. The Ocean Science B.S. program provides undergraduates with the opportunity to study marine systems from an interdisciplinary perspective, and will prepare students for careers in Marine Sciences and other environmental fields. OCEAN SCIENCE MAJOR Overview The…
UGA undergraduates, including hundreds of Franklin College majors, shared their research endeavors in a new way this spring during the 2020 Virtual CURO Symposium held April 21-24: After mentoring from faculty members across various UGA colleges, students shared a total of 580 posters and oral presentations using UGA’s eLearning Commons. Student presenters, faculty members and anyone who requested access were able to…
Earlier this week, May 18 marked the anniversary of an epic geological event: the eruption of the Mt. St. Helen's volcano in 1980. Mattia Pistone, assistant professor in the department of geology, offered an assessment of the scientific effort in the 40 years since the eruption: After 40 years since the eruption of Mt St Helens of May 18, 1980, volcanologists strive to forecast the likelihood, magnitude, and style of…
The UGA Mentor Program has already been a great success as so many talented alumni step forward. And with the widest base of expertise and know-how, Franklin College alumni have stepped up enthusiastically to help our students and pay forward the good fortunate that has made them effective leaders in every field. In the Mentor spotlight this week is Christina Carrere, Senior Medicare Program Examiner in the White House Office of Management…

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